Chronic Illness Workbooks +
Gratitude Journals
Having a chronic illness is incredibly difficult, both mentally and physically. I created these workbooks to help those trying to heal from a chronic illness.
I too have a chronic Illness that I am trying to heal from, so I understand how difficult and draining it can be. I urge you not to put too much pressure on yourself; use this workbook when you can and make changes one at a time, if that’s what you need to do.
You’ll also notice that the symptom tracker is on the small side and half of it focuses on positives of our bodies. While I believe the occasional note of how are bodies feel is important for our doctors, getting bogged down in symptom tracking everyday can lead to a negative mindset.
As part of my healing journey I’ve been studying to become a health coach. I’ve included a few tidbits of information that I’ve found helpful.
I wish you peace, love, health + happiness
I believe these workbooks would be helpful for those suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriatic Arthritis, Psoriasis, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Lupus, Chron’s, Heart Disease, Cancer, Arthritis, Anxiety and Depression.
Sun + Moon Gratitude Journal
Cultivating gratitude everyday for the big and little things in life is the key to happiness and contentment. Having a consistent practice of gratitude results in more compassion, positive emotions, healing, empathy and kindness.
This beautiful 6 month gratitude journal includes;
Daily Gratitude - Monthly Plan - Beautiful Quotes - Monthly Review
I hope this gratitude journal brings you peace and happiness!
MY SELF CARE JOURNEY: Chronic Illness Workbook
This beautiful workbook will inspire you to make healthy changes and improve your mental + physical health!
Includes Gratitude Journal, Mental + Physical Health Check In, 5 Minute Journaling, Affirmations For Health + Self Esteem, Meditative Colouring Pages And Health Tips.
Floral Gratitude Journal
Cultivating gratitude everyday for the big and little things in life is the key to happiness and contentment. Having a consistent practice of gratitude results in more compassion, positive emotions, healing, empathy and kindness.
This beautiful 6 month gratitude journal includes;
Daily Gratitude - Monthly Plan - Beautiful Quotes - Monthly Review
I hope this gratitude journal brings you peace and happiness!
MY GRATITUDE + HEALTH JOURNAL: Chronic Illness Workbook
This beautiful floral workbook will inspire you to make healthy changes and improve your mental + physical health!
Includes Gratitude Journal, Mental + Physical Health Check In, 5 Minute Journaling, Affirmations For Health + Self Esteem, Meditative Colouring Pages And Health Tips.
MY GRATITUDE + HEALTH JOURNAL: Chronic Illness Workbook
This beautiful workbook will inspire you to make healthy changes and improve your mental + physical health!
Includes Gratitude Journal, Mental + Physical Health Check In, 5 Minute Journaling, Affirmations For Health + Self Esteem, Meditative Colouring Pages And Health Tips.